Thursday, November 5, 2009

What to Look for in Daycare for your Child

That little bundle in your arms means everything to you. You work hard to give that child everything you can with the best you can offer. Don't overlook daycare!

I do not claim to be an expert in this matter, however, I do have a lot of experience in interviewing, selecting, learning, and growing with daycare providers in my 8 years with kids. My mishaps will be below.

Start with a phone interview

Are you licensed? This may not seem like a big deal, but really it is. Obtaining a license is important to show that the provider is ensuring your child's safety. It also requires inspections by the state or county to make sure the house / facility is up to code on everything.

How many kids are in your care right now? What is the ratio of adults to children? If you're calling the provider during the day, what's the background noise like? Are kids under control? Anyone hurt? Does the provider seem to want to spend time with you or with the kids? You're a mom~pay attention to your instincts while you talk.

What is your rate for my child's age? May seem obvious, but if you can't afford it, you need to look elsewhere.

Feeling good? Schedule a visit.

Is the place clean? Are toys in good condition? Is the crib of the same decade as your baby? Do you see all the parts to various toys in your line of site?

What's she like? Does she seem confident of her location? Can you tell if she takes pride in what she does and how she cares for kids?

Is there ample space for kids to play and run and be kids? (See one of my mishaps makes a difference).

Still feeling good? Trust your gut. This is important stuff.

The one thing my husband and I learned as we went along was that trusting our gut from the very beginning was key in our decision and if it was the right decision.

Consider these mishaps:
1. Baby went to in-home daycare. First time we separated from our child so it was overwhelming anyway. Felt just okay about her. Realized 2 months later our baby was watching soap operas and parked outside with no hat in January. She also was switching between formulas after reaffirming that wouldn't happen. No wonder he had tummy aches!
2. Found an excellent provider who wasn't licensed. Thought we could overlook that, but she ended up taking him out for lunch to McDonald's. Did she have a legal carseat? We were afraid to ask.
3. Next. She had an enclosed yard (yay) but it was all cement (kidding??). Our child didn't walk yet, but was kept inside a plastic crate when he was outside. Instincts were not loud and clear when we started.
4. Finally found her! This one was around for over 20 years. Special ed teaching background. Huge backyard. Stable family. The first moment we met her we were comfortable. Before leaving her house we both felt that we wanted to sign paperwork there on the spot. She ended up being a beautiful addition to the care team of our kids. We trusted our gut and knew she was wonderful. To this day when we see her in town, we get a big smile.
5. Moved on to preschool facility. Our gut spoke loud and clear that it was a great fit for our kids.

Basically, the whole point of this posting is very simple. Ready? Your child is the most important thing in your life now. Trust your gut. You're a mom, you're a dad, you know what I'm talking about. It has to feel right from the very beginning.

After all, aren't those precious little cherub faces worth it?

As always, share the site pass the blog.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Christmas Cards: Simple Step to Make Addressing Easier

Christmas is coming, have you heard? Don't know about you, but my jaw has dropped a time or two upon walking into a store to see Christmas decorations already. One store had a rack of sparkly red, silver, gold, and fat Santas next to a rack of pumpkins, witches, and weird moving skeleton hand things that freak me out anytime I walk by.

I started running a special on Christmas cards this week. I've had a handful of takers already - I love giving people a great deal on a unique and different Christmas card. This got me thinking about how I can make things easier for you when it comes to your mailing list so I thought I'd share what I do. I learned from my mom, who has the world's largest collection of organizational books. You don't need to buy a book for this one, just use your computer.

I have a spreadsheet with a separate tab for each year with everyone's addresses on it. I don't like to remove names from my list, but adding names is fun. I like to be able to see who is new each year which is why I do a new tab each year. If I hear that someone moves throughout the year I update my current year tab so I don't have to search emails or my phone's database or my email database to find it when it's Christmastime.

Really, it's simple when you think about it. I'm guessing many of you do this, too. I think my list this year is hovering around 95.

How big is your list?

BuddyBoo Stationery

Monday, October 5, 2009

Christmas Greetings from BuddyBoo

BuddyBoo Stationery has officially entered Christmas mode - stationery style!

Think about it. You're opening cards from your friends and family and eventually see the same card you picked out with someone else's photo on it. Avoid that by going with a customized design from BuddyBoo! Let's come up with something totally you and exceptionally dramatic for your holiday greetings.

Below you will find samples I also have posted on my website. This is just the beginning! These are samples - if you like these, great. If not, let's come up with something different. I'm ready!

I'm running a special for the month of October - don't miss out!

If you contact me to begin your Christmas cards this month and we finish them in November, you will receive 15% off your entire order! Remember: we have to finish them in November to get this great deal.

And remember: when you have your Christmas cards made by BuddyBoo you are giving back: a portion of all profits go to autism charities. How amazing is that! By ordering your cards through BuddyBoo, you're giving a gift. Let's get started today.
As always, share the site, pass the blog.
BuddyBoo Stationery

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to Save Money on your Wedding? Hire a Professional.

Did you know the average wedding can take more than 200 hours just to plan? Wow!

“Some couples may not have the time to compare choices or prices to make sure they are getting the best deal and ensure all the details are in place. Wedding coordinators do not make decisions for you, but guide and assist you in making informed decisions,” says Katie Peterson, owner of The Simple Solution, a Minneapolis-based personal and corporate concierge business. “A wedding coordinator will save you time and enable you to get the most for your money.”

But What about Cost?
While we are seeing some glimmers of hope with the economy supposedly turning more to the optimistic, budgets and the bottom line still rule the roost.

“You can afford a wedding coordinator,” explains Katie. “Your wedding coordinator will save you money by suggesting the appropriate vendors that will provide professional services to accommodate your budget.”

The professionals are experienced in negotiating contracts with caterers, florists, photographers, and other suppliers.

So How do I Find One?
Trust is important in any relationship. You should feel completely comfortable with the planner and feel assured that he or she completely understands what your needs are. Your personalities should match. Where does wedding planning truly begin? With the numbers! Plan your budget before you get carried away with other wedding details. Determine how much you want to spend, then The Simple Solution can help determine type of wedding you would like to have: location, theme, # of guests, formality, and time of day.

When asked what else The Simple Solution can provide customers, Katie’s response was, “We take care of everything from the mundane to the insane.” Among her many talents, Katie can provide errand running, gift and shopping services, key holding, wait service, automotive services, postal needs, “manny services” for bachelors, recuperative and senior services, and event planning.

“When you hire the simple solution you know that you are buying quality, service, knowledge, professionalism, creativity, guidance, leg work, a stress reliever, an etiquette expert and a personal assistant and friend.”

For more information about The Simple Solution, please visit

And as always, share the BuddyBoo site, pass this blog.

BuddyBoo Stationery

Friday, August 7, 2009

"A Mom's Perspective" on Raising a Child with Special Needs

I was recently interviewed by NewMom, Inc for their blog for new moms. I thought I'd post a "reblog" (stealing the term slightly from retweet on Twitter) in mine to gain more exposure. Click the title of this blog post for the link to the interview!

The title of the entry is "A Mom's Perspective - Raising a Child with Special Needs." My son "Buddy" is one of the inspirations behind my company. A portion of BuddyBoo Stationery's profits are given to autism charities. It feels good to give back and bring hope to others.

NewMom, Inc is a Minneapolis-based company gaining good ground as a resource for mothers. Watch their blog for more interviews by other mothers on a wide variety of topics. NewMom has a ton of resources and helpful links for all things mommy.

As always, share the site, pass the blog.

BuddyBoo Stationery

As stated in my answers and what I need to state again is that the answers to the interview questions are my opinion.

Monday, July 27, 2009

BuddyBoo is Here and There and Everywhere

As you begin checking your email, Twitter updates, Facebook updates, blog postings, friends’ sites, friends of friends’ sites, be on the lookout for BuddyBoo. I’m everywhere!

This is where you can find me and what to do at each location:

Facebook: Be my friend, become a fan, spread the word!

Blogspot: Right here, folks. Continue to watch for updates and share the updates with your friends and family. I will be posting relevant information for your life-moment throughout the year.

Twitter: Watch me tweet! Follow me and find out what’s new for BuddyBoo.

MomsLikeMe: This is one of the coolest spots to get information on absolutely anything related to you being a mom. Be my friend on MomsLikeMe and let’s swap ideas and tricks for our kiddos.

Website: Definitely web 1.0, definitely filled with a ton of examples, ideas, and invitations and announcements to satisfy your every invitation and announcement need...definitely need to contact me for your next project.

Crafty Sites: Etsy and ShopHomemade have cool profiles of BuddyBoo products and services.

Etsy has a cool custom request system where you can put in a request for a certain project and Etsians bid on your job. It’s a fun and easy way to get a project done for less. Tell me you’re requesting a custom project and I’ll bid, too!

Do you know of an online presence BuddyBoo is missing? Write me and let me know of a cool site you like!

As always, pass the blog, share the site.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Ultimate Wedding Entrance

I found this online and had to share it with you! If you're looking for inspiration, look no further than this wedding entrance.

Truly unforgettable.

Remember: share the site, pass the blog.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Celebrate Dad with a Card from BuddyBoo!

You can now buy a card from BuddyBoo Stationery for Dad!

Click here to enter the site.

As always, pass the blog, share the site.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

BuddyBoo At StrollerStrides Event in Maple Grove This Saturday

BuddyBoo Stationery will be attending the StrollerStrides Grand Opening event this Saturday at the Shoppes at Arbor Lakes in Maple Grove. Come join an exciting event kicking off this great company.

As always, share the site, pass the blog.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Graduation Announcements Now Available From BuddyBoo

Congratulations, Graduate. You're about to reach an important milestone in your life. It's time to invite your closest friends and family to help you celebrate!

Visit BuddyBoo Stationery today to see some cool, fresh, and color-coordinated ideas for your graduation announcements.

As always, share the site, pass the blog!

BuddyBoo Stationery

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pay It Forward

Hello my BuddyBoo blog followers. Thanks for reading. I am constantly trying to come up with fun topics to post in my blog and just seconds ago while reading an online article, it came to me. It has nothing to do with stationery or invitations or parties. It has to do with others.

Pay it forward. What does that term mean, anyway? Someone asked me that once. I haven't seen the movie that shares the title, but I know what it means to me - it means taking what information and knowledge and love and time I have from within me and giving it to someone else who might need it. For no reason other than to make that next person's life a little brighter. Seems simple, doesn't it?

The article I just read was about a man younger than my parents who has been on a waiting list to receive a liver transplant. He got a call last Saturday morning that a liver was ready for him some 80 or 100 miles away if he could get there through a massive snow storm. He made it to the hospital and got his transplant because 8 different snow plows literally plowed his route through a storm. It sounds like many people were involved in getting this man to his new liver. New life! New hope he's been sitting on for a year.

Hearing about a benevolent act brightens my day. It gives me hope that this world is a good place and I live among great people. It gives me inspiration to do likewise.

Here are some different ways you can be a pay-it-forward person and change the life of another person while at the same time changing yourself:

-go work a food shelf for a half day
-volunteer at a fundraising event
-hold the door open for a person walking in the store behind you
-greet cashiers with eye contact, a smile, and use their name if they have a nametag on
-spend $1.66 on a small coffee for the guy in line behind you at the coffee shop (can you imagine?)

-call your local community elementary school and ask if you can be a guest reader for kindergarteners some day
-pick up that trash you see on your walk
-spend $3.00 on some daffodils and bring them to your neighbor

...just to name a few.

I guarantee your life will change by paying it forward.

As always, share the site, pass the blog.

BuddyBoo Stationery

Oh - P.S. BuddyBoo donates a portion of its profits to autism charities. That's how I pay it forward. And let me tell you, it feels good.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

BuddyBoo at Salon Sartor Open House Tonight (Wednesday)

No fooling, I will be showing my wares at Salon Sartor's Open House tonight, April 1, 2009 from 5:00 to 9:00.

I invite you to stop in and see all the great things available at Salon Sartor. Visit their website at:

See you there!

As always, share the site, pass the blog,

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wedding Invitations with Flare

I am excited to share I've posted some new invitation design options for brides! Click here to access the page on my site for invitations you can order now.

I am excited to work with you.

As always, share the site, pass the blog.


Monday, March 9, 2009

New BuddyBoo Designs Coming...Looking for Your Input!

Happy Monday! It seems we had a wonderful glimpse of spring just around the corner which has motivated me to spring my business ahead and offer new products. I'm very excited to get new products and ideas rolled out.

Soon I'll be offering different wedding invitations, baby announcements and birthday invitations anyone can order. Pricing will be cheaper than totally customized design and artwork, but it will allow me to reach a much bigger customer base and help me grow my business.

So, the input I'd like from you is easy and fun! If you've found my blog, you've no doubt found fun sites with similar themes and have seen some amazing color combinations, design elements, theme ideas, right? Send me your favorites, let's see what BuddyBoo can do to create something equally spectacular!
As always, pass along the blog, share the site.
BuddyBoo Stationery

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fun Baby Sites!

Having a baby is truly one of the most remarkable moments in your life. Finding all the right stuff to go with your baby is fun and challenging! I decided to share some fun sites with very cool things. Check them out!

There are two sites I really like that sell homemade items. I know one mom who is outfitting her entire baby’s room from Etsy. The other site is Shop Handmade. Why not support someone crafting by hand!

A very chic site is Cool Mom Picks. I really like their style of writing, too. Another very chic site is My Retro Baby which has a fun and exciting website design. Oh, and check out this crazy-accurate pacifier.

For all those wishing to get active with your baby or toddler and you live in the northwest metro, StrollerStrides is opening this spring in Maple Grove at the Shoppes at Arbor Lakes. And why not dress up your baby's carrier with a wrap from SimplyElla.

All-natural baby food can be found at Sweet Cheeks Baby Food. Going natural and organic is really best for your bambino.

For all the advice, fun, tips, coupons, and resources, go to Moms Like Me. Other moms in the metro area share silly stories, helpful hints, and information on anything under the sun. (Be BuddyBoo's friend on this site, too!)

And finally for all your stationery needs, check out BuddyBoo Stationery! Baby announcements are so fun to create – they reflect parents, the child, perhaps an older sibling, and anything you desire. My site might not be the flashiest or most interactive, but I promise a fun experience.

As always, share the site, pass the blog.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weddings on a Strict Budget

Weddings are expensive and can get overwhelming sometimes. It's important to find someone you can trust to help you watch expenses while making sure your desires are met with your wedding stationery. After all, it's the first thing your guests will see and sets the stage for the biggest day of your life!

Below are some helpful hints on how to save money with wedding stationery.

  • Probably the biggest savings is to have your guests reply to an email address or a wedding website with your photos, your love story, how the proposal went down instead of the reply card, the envelope, the stamp, and your time.
  • Have the directions / map printed on one side and the invitation printed on the front side. Saves trees, saves stuffing time, has all the important information on one sheet for your guests.
  • Have one vendor do everything together - the invitations, the programs, the table cards if you need them, the save-the-date card. That way you're only spending money on one design instead of someone designing each part separately.
  • If you're newly engaged and need the whole package or getting married next month and still need the programs designed, consider BuddyBoo Stationery. You'll be glad you did.

As always, pass the blog, share the word.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

BuddyBoo is in the News

I am pleased as punch to share with my little corner of the world a story our local cable channel did on BuddyBoo Stationery. Cable Channel 12 came to our house last Friday and wowed the kids with their camera and lights and caught a glimpse of how glamorous my work conditions are.

The link will work for a month and I don't want to lose the incredible story written by reporter Shannon Slatton so I'm copying the text to this blog.

For now, please click here to access the story. This is why BuddyBoo exists.

Maple Grove business pays it forward
For Jean Tate, the path to a second career all started with Christmas cards.

"I've made them for friends and family. It got up to about 90, but then I had to cut back," said Tate.

As the feedback kept coming in, the ideas kept churning."Everybody would write in cards -- this was really cool. You should do this for a living," said Tate.

So what convinced Tate to start up a part-time job?

"Having the strong support of all of my friends and family combined with the strong desire to have more time with my kids."

In April, Tate decided to use her marketing skills to tailor-make stationery for customers. She started up a website and a business out of her Maple Grove home. Tate decided to name her new stationery company BuddyBoo Stationery after her two children, Jordan, 7, whose nickname is 'Buddy,' and Ellie, 3, who she calls 'Boo.'

"I thought I would see how it goes and keep my day job and grow BuddyBoo and someday I'll be able to have BuddyBoo be it and I'll have more flexibility with my kids," said Tate. Tate's goal is to have that happen by the time 3-year-old Ellie is in Kindergarten.

But what makes this home business different from others is she started with one big commitment.

"Even if I make $5 and that's it, then I'm going to donate part of it to autism awareness," said Tate. Three years ago, doctors diagnosed her son Jordan with autism.

"That basically rocks your world, when you go through that whole process and you have somebody say I think there's something wrong with your child," said Tate. "It took me a long time to pull myself off the floor and say this isn't about me, it's about him."

Jordan's autism is high-functioning, which means most people probably wouldn't notice it. Tate says he's a very bright boy with a good vocabulary, but sometimes struggles with language and social skills.

"He'll have a hard time finding the right word. He'll say 'do you like milk in your bucket?"' said Tate. "The brain is in the right category but can't filter through everything. One day you are dealing with this, and the next day it's not an issue. One day you will try this tool in therapy, but the next day it won't work."

Since Jordan's diagnosis, the Tates have become very involved with the Walk Now for Autism. They were one of the top fundraisers for 2008. Tate says more people need to be aware of high functioning autism cases like Jordan's.

"I want people to know there is another side to autism besides kids who can't speak or adults who can't speak," said Tate. "Every kid is different."

So while she hopes her personalized cards will pull on a few heart strings, she knows part of the profits will go to a cause that's close to her own heart.

Shannon Slatton, reporting
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Post Moms 2 Mom Expo

Thanks for attending the first Moms 2 Mom Expo! What a great success for a great cause! I'm so thrilled to have been a part of this event and am thankful I was asked to become a vendor. The Taylor and Kovic families are in my thoughts as they deal with the loss of their Amy.

Please remember to visit this blog and my website often. I truly value your business and look forward to becoming a source for all your parties, celebrations, and stationery.

Be on the lookout for BuddyBoo Stationery. I'm ready to explode into the market, be seen and heard everywhere, and become your number one source for invitations, announcements, personalized stationery, and gifts.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Look at All This Stuff!

The picture below is a sampling of all the stationery I'll have for sale at the Moms 2 Mom Expo this Saturday.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Playdate Cards - Calling all Moms!

The latest trend is a calling card for children. How cool is that? Ever been to the playground, met another parent and child who you'd like to see again but can't find a scrap of paper to get their name and number? Here's an awesome solution - a playdate card for your child!

BuddyBoo Stationery offers a great selection of design options for these playdate cards and more designs will always be added. I have some samples on my website and will be posting more soon, but visit me at the Moms 2 Mom Expo on January 10 to see my latest examples and order yours!

If you're interested in seeing samples and want to order some, email me at Mention you heard about it from this blog and you'll save $1.00 off the price.

A set of 10 is only $5.00 and $4.00 after this blog offer. You can always order more than 10...after all, your child is going to have a ton of friends, right?

As always, pass the blog, share the site.

P.S. Watch KARE-11 this Saturday, January 3, 2009, as the Moms 2 Mom Expo will be highlighted. Among samples available for moms at the Expo are designs by BuddyBoo Stationery!