Thursday, November 5, 2009

What to Look for in Daycare for your Child

That little bundle in your arms means everything to you. You work hard to give that child everything you can with the best you can offer. Don't overlook daycare!

I do not claim to be an expert in this matter, however, I do have a lot of experience in interviewing, selecting, learning, and growing with daycare providers in my 8 years with kids. My mishaps will be below.

Start with a phone interview

Are you licensed? This may not seem like a big deal, but really it is. Obtaining a license is important to show that the provider is ensuring your child's safety. It also requires inspections by the state or county to make sure the house / facility is up to code on everything.

How many kids are in your care right now? What is the ratio of adults to children? If you're calling the provider during the day, what's the background noise like? Are kids under control? Anyone hurt? Does the provider seem to want to spend time with you or with the kids? You're a mom~pay attention to your instincts while you talk.

What is your rate for my child's age? May seem obvious, but if you can't afford it, you need to look elsewhere.

Feeling good? Schedule a visit.

Is the place clean? Are toys in good condition? Is the crib of the same decade as your baby? Do you see all the parts to various toys in your line of site?

What's she like? Does she seem confident of her location? Can you tell if she takes pride in what she does and how she cares for kids?

Is there ample space for kids to play and run and be kids? (See one of my mishaps makes a difference).

Still feeling good? Trust your gut. This is important stuff.

The one thing my husband and I learned as we went along was that trusting our gut from the very beginning was key in our decision and if it was the right decision.

Consider these mishaps:
1. Baby went to in-home daycare. First time we separated from our child so it was overwhelming anyway. Felt just okay about her. Realized 2 months later our baby was watching soap operas and parked outside with no hat in January. She also was switching between formulas after reaffirming that wouldn't happen. No wonder he had tummy aches!
2. Found an excellent provider who wasn't licensed. Thought we could overlook that, but she ended up taking him out for lunch to McDonald's. Did she have a legal carseat? We were afraid to ask.
3. Next. She had an enclosed yard (yay) but it was all cement (kidding??). Our child didn't walk yet, but was kept inside a plastic crate when he was outside. Instincts were not loud and clear when we started.
4. Finally found her! This one was around for over 20 years. Special ed teaching background. Huge backyard. Stable family. The first moment we met her we were comfortable. Before leaving her house we both felt that we wanted to sign paperwork there on the spot. She ended up being a beautiful addition to the care team of our kids. We trusted our gut and knew she was wonderful. To this day when we see her in town, we get a big smile.
5. Moved on to preschool facility. Our gut spoke loud and clear that it was a great fit for our kids.

Basically, the whole point of this posting is very simple. Ready? Your child is the most important thing in your life now. Trust your gut. You're a mom, you're a dad, you know what I'm talking about. It has to feel right from the very beginning.

After all, aren't those precious little cherub faces worth it?

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